The series centered on the adventures of young boy and his horse, Flick who lived on a ranch with his parents & the ranch-hand, Gus. My Friend Flicka was a CBS network western series based on Mary O'Hara's 1941 children's novel, "Thunderhead, Son of Flicka." The series centered on the adventures of young boy and his horse, Flick who lived on a ranch with his parents & the ranch-hand, Gus. the entire wiki with photos and video History top lists Supercars Celebrities Featured Videos Trending Stories Orders and Medals Crown Jewels World Banknotes History by Country Great Cities Wonders of Nature Rare Coins Great Museums Recovered Treasures Kings of … Mary O’Hara page on Amazon. Though it was short-lived, it was often re-run through the mid-1960s. Banner, from My Friend Flicka Barnum and Skip, the Wilders' driving team of Laura Ingalls Wilder 's Little House books and The First Four Years Bela, originally owned by Tam al'Thor, and later by Egwene al'Vere , in The Wheel of Time series My Friend Flicka is a 1941 novel by Mary O'Hara, about Ken McLaughlin, the son of a Wyoming rancher, and his horse Flicka. Evans portrayed the authoritarian but wise father, Rob McLaughlin, on the 1956-1957 television series My Friend Flicka. The show aired from February 10, 1956 to February 1, 1957, lasting for one season & 39 episodes. The series was the very first TV series ever filmed in color (1955-1956) as well as the first television series produced by 20th Century-Fox (TCF Television). My Friend Flicka became a popular film in 1943, featuring a young Roddy MacDowell in the lead role.A sequel, Thunderhead: Son of Flicka and Green Grass of Wyoming were produced in turn. Sugarfoot is an American Western television series that aired for sixty-nine episodes on ABC from 1957-1961 on Tuesday nights on a "shared" slot basis – rotating with Cheyenne (1st season); Cheyenne and Bronco (2nd season); and Bronco (3rd season). He is an actor, known for The DuPont Show of the Month (1957), My Friend Flicka (1955) and The Space Children (1958). My Friend Flicka was a CBS network western series based on Mary O'Hara's 1941 children's novel, "Thunderhead, Son of Flicka.". Johnny Washbrook, Actor: The DuPont Show of the Month. Frank Ferguson (December 25, 1899 - September 12, 1978) appeared in episodes of The Andy Griffith Show. Ferguson's best known role was as the Swedish ranch handyman, Gus Broeberg, on the CBS television series, My Friend Flicka, based on a novel of the same name. From 1956 to 1957, a television series based on My Friend Flicka aired. The show aired from February 10, 1956 to February 1, 1957, lasting for one season & 39 episodes. Flicka becomes a film. His mother, Pearl, guided him into show business, and he made his way into such films as The Greatest Show on Earth (1952), Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), 3 … Flicka was a chestnut purebred Arabian mare (Arabian Horse Association registered name Wahana – AHR*6513) that starred in the TV series "My Friend Flicka." Johnny Washbrook was born on October 16, 1944 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was the first in a trilogy, followed by Thunderhead (1943) and Green Grass of Wyoming (1946). John "Johnny" Washbrook (born October 16, 1944) is a former child actor best known for his role as 12-year-old Ken McLaughlin on the western television series My Friend Flicka, originally broadcast from 1956–1957 on CBS. The Warner Bros. production stars Will Hutchins as Tom Brewster, an Easterner who comes to the Oklahoma Territory to become a lawyer. He also played Gus Broeberg on "My Friend Flicka", Dr. Wilson on "Lassie", Eli Carson on "Peyton Place" and "Return to Peyton Place" and Dr. Barton Stuart on "Petticoat Junction". Plot.