The stigma of “Don’t trust stranger” may be broken by Peter Limbourg’s Deutch Learning Program series, Nico’s Weg, which was released on April 8, 2019 on Youtube platform. 0% average accuracy. Ismeritek Yara biciklisboltját? This film tells about the journey of a man named Nico who went to Germany. and they had a party together. Nicos Weg. Save. World Languages. ... Nicos Weg A1.44 Gegenstände im Büro. NICO'S WEG Oktober 15, 2020 Synopsis : ... Lisa's father asks Nico and Yara's friends a series of questions. Nico explain that he came to Germany to find his Aunt, Yara. Nico and Emma played a game in the car fo a while, and then Lisa dropped Emmaoff at her friend's birthday party.While Lisa dropped Emma off at the birthday party, Nico waited in the car and heard something interesting on the radio. Emma's Aunt is Lisa. he arrived at the airport and met a child named Emma, and she wants to play with him. kóla. Lies Emma and her aunt give him a ride into town. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Nico's Weg was released on April 8, 2019 on Youtube platform. Nicos Weg - Fragen. deakeva25 TEACHER. Nico had the bold idea to call a radio station and told them about his missing bag. 42 terms. During the search process, Nico became close friends with Lisa and Nico got to know many Lisa's friends are Matt, Tarek, Nina, Nawin, Selma, etc. 0 times. Nicos Weg - Fragen DRAFT. Mit akartok inni? 19 hours ago. When Lisa stops at the gas station, Nico suddenly stop the taxi that brought his bag. Nicos Weg. Nico’s leg was hurt while he was playing football. Lemme tell you first the synopsis of this film. Lisa arrives at the hospital to see how Nico is doing – but it's not so easy to find him. 28 terms. Play this game to review World Languages. ... Lisa calls her father, a police officer, to find out where Nico's aunt named Yara is. After that Lisa helped Nico by calling her father because his father was a police officer. Luckily, her roommates are sympathetic.Max and Tarek want to help promote Yara’s bicycle shop, since her landlord is raising her rent and she needs more customers. nico not focused because he play so much fun with Emma. 0. They around the town and looking the address from someone who commented yesterday. Kennt ihr Yaras Fahrradladen? Lisa Brunner (Charley Ann Schmutzler) and her nephew (called Emma in the movie) as the extra cast prove that not all … Edit. Edit. Nico couldn't meet Yara because Yara's address and his important thing like handphone, wallet, passport was in his bag. Nico asks Tarek how often he and his friends get to play soccer together. Was hat Nico verloren? ... All he had was a photo of his aunt named Yara. Nicos Weg – B1 ... Nico hat gehört, wie sich Yara und Lisa über die Gehaltsabrechnung unterhalten. Er hat viele Wörter nicht verstanden, deshalb erklärt ihm Yara, was sie bedeuten. 19 hours ago. Nicos Weg Nicos Weg. Lisa's father was a cop, so he tried to help Nico. DRAFT. Lisa's father is unable to help Nico due to a lack of information about Yara. die Cola. This film was published by Deutsch lernen mit der DW on Youtube on March 15, 2019. Flickr … Was möchtet ihr trinken? Nico doesn't have soccer shoes, but is able to borrow some. so that his bag was taken by the taxi driver because the taxi driver thought that the bag belonged … Nico is from Seville in Spain. Nico and Emma play the alphabet cookies to introduce name and Emma teaches Nico how to introduce himself in German Language. malgorzata_pogorzelec_64033. He came to Germany to visit his aunt. Story. Was hat Nico verloren? Nicos Weg B1.39 Praktikum. Synopsis : once upon a time, there was a man named Nico who came from Spain to Germany to meet his aunt, aunt Yara. 10th - 12th grade. The film is titled "Nico's Weg" which means "Nico's Away". deakeva25 TEACHER. Synopsis ... And suddenly someone commented on Sebastian post and give the photos of Yara Shop, the next morning they started hunt for Yara Shop. Karinafa 2.30 am.