Remember, if you do not pass the first time, you'll be able to re-take the test. This practice test contains 20 questions. ... 2020, now it shows Sep, 2020, is this normal?! ¿Alguna vez ha sido puesto en procedimientos de remoción, rescisión, exclusión o deportación? The USCIS Officer will ask you to write up to three sentences. Were you ever involved in any way with torture? Designed by lawyers, our platform will help you eliminate the common errors that create delays, rejections and even denials. Self-Test 1. n-400r-0 Before the Interview plus mp3 After December 1, 2020, the list was revised to contain 128 questions, and you have to answer 12 out of 20 correctly. Leon Zhang. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. Armed Forces? Were you ever a member of, or did you serve in an insurgent organization? During the naturalization interview, a USCIS Officer will ask you up to 10 civics questions from the list of 100. (un grupo que utiliza armas y lucha en contra de un gobierno). (por escrito o en cualquier forma)? Good luck! The English test has three components: reading, writing, and speaking. If you fail to show up on time, USCIS could decide to close your case file. In these cases, the USCIS officer will continue your case. ¿Ha dado una declaración falsa para obtener cualquier beneficio público en los Estados. © Copyright 2013-2020, CitizenPath, LLC. A nice collar shirt or blouse for women is sufficient. ¿Alguna vez ha abogado (directamente o indirectamente) por el derrumbamiento de algún gobierno mediante la fuerza o la violencia? Desde que se convirtió en Residente Permanente ¿se ha declarado una persona "no-residente"de los EE.UU. Were you ever a member of, or did you serve in a paramilitary unit? The vast majority of people pass. This means understanding what the question is asking. ¿Se ha registrado alguna vez para votar en cualquier elección federal, estatal o local en los Estados Unidos? Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. You may need the time to find parking, navigate a new building and get through security. Have you ever been declared legally incompetent, or been confined to a mental institution? Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States? Have you ever been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings? Have you ever been arrested, citied, or detained by any law enforcement officer for any reason? If you have traveled abroad for a period of greater than six months. ¿Está usted dispuesto a tomar completamente el juramento de lealtad de los Estados Unidos? para entrar o ser admitido a los Estados Unidos o para recibir beneficios de inmigración en los Estados Unidos? (Is the U.S. saying that you have to leave the U.S. ¿Alguna vez ha solicitado cualquier excepción del servicio militar de las Fuerzas Armadas de los EE.UU.? If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States? You will also take a civics test to evaluate your knowledge and understanding of U.S. history and government. ¿Algún otro lugar en donde las personas fueron forzadas a permanecer? Get there early. Rescheduling an interview may add several months to the naturalization process, so you should strive to attend your original interview date. Remember, your ability to understand and speak English will be evaluated from the moment the USCIS officer meets you. Age 55 or older at the time of filing Form N-400 and have lived as a permanent resident in the United States for 15 years or more. ¿Alguna vez ha sido condenado por un crimen u ofensa? Were you ever a worker, volunteer or soldier, or did you ever serve in a prison or jail? ¿Organización Insurgente? Because this is a practice interview, you may skip on any question you do not feel comfortable answering. Trackitt will load in a few seconds. Did you ever sell, give, or provide weapons to any person or help another person sell weapons? Have you ever been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United States or in any other location in the world? Citizenship class). ¿Ha sido alguna vez miembro de, involucrado con, o asociado de alguna manera con alguna organización, asociación, fondo, fundación, partido, club, sociedad, o grupo similar en los Estados Unidos o en cualquier otra parte del mundo? ¿Si la ley lo requiere, está dispuesto a prestar servicios como no combatiente en las Fuerzas Armadas de los EE.UU.? Were you ever involved in any way with killing, or trying to kill, someone? ¿Alguna vez ha mentido a algún oficial del gobierno de los EE.UU. With citizenship education, the themes combine more than one part of Form N-400. Or Will if you would like to have the name William. This video helps you to explain the meaning of some difficult vocabularies in N400 form, which may be asked when you take the U.S. What should I wear the interview and test? It means I am loyal to the US and its constitution, and I will follow the laws of this country. Each video is followed by a multiple-choice quiz, and some also have practice activities. The online service is a powerful, do-it-yourself tool that puts you in control. If you quality for the exemptions listed above, you will be permitted to take the civics test in your native language.