Enter all 9s, all 0s, or all 9s except the last digit being a 0. Provide to your customers the manufacturer and serial number of your scanners, or provide them your Org/CAGE Code or the Org/CAGE Code of the Organization that sponsored the registration of your devices so that your customers can verify in SWFT that your equipment has been registered and approved for use. Organizations intending to offer their fingerprint services to the DoD community on the SWFT PSA informational website should contact the SWFT Coordinator for qualification criteria and to initiate the vetting process. Call the DMDC/DEERS Support Office (DSO): (800) 538-9552 Fax: (800) 336-4416 Address: DMDC/DEERS Support Office 400 Gigling Rd Seaside, CA 93955-6771 Hours of Operation: 5:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday - Friday We are closed on all federal holidays. Website Status. 1 – DISS 2 – Continuous Evaluation 3 – JPAS 4 – e-QIP 5 – SWFT 6 – DCII Obtain the Organization/Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code from the Organization/Third Party Vendor, then log into the SWFT system at: https://swft.nbis.mil, and run the “Scanner Registration Status by Org/CAGE Code” report in the Reports section. Log into the SWFT or contact the DMDC SWFT Coordinator to obtain connection info. Establishing an account for Fieldprint’s DSS SWFT Fingerprinting Program for cleared-companies listed in the Industrial Security Facilities Database to submit electronic fingerprint files to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) for National Industrial Security Program (NISP) applicants to the DSS SWFT program is simple. Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT), DCSA Office of Communications and Congressional Affairs, Center for Development of Security Excellence, 1 Plain Left and Right Simultaneous Four Finger Impressions, Rejected – The eFP record’s eFP file had content validation errors and was rejected. Coordinators are recommending to users to download the latest software for their device and attempt to connect again. If biographic information needs to be updated, a new eFP will need to be uploaded. Fingerprint scanning workstation or server platform scanning systems have to be registered and tested only once. Implementation of WebEnroll is mandated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence [USD(I)] Memorandum for Civilian and uniform services organizations. Customer Service Hours: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm ET, Monday - Friday (excluding federal holidays) Toll-Free Telephone: (800) 467-5526. The location of the SCRA web site has changed. The time frame is contingent upon the timeliness of responses to the SWFT Coordinator. They do not have to be re-registered or re-tested again before being able to service other client organizations. Information. Stalled – The eFP record did not meet the criteria to release to one or more of its destinations, and requires manual intervention to continue processing. The following match criteria apply: The e-QIP request Identification (ID) does not have to be listed on the eFP file. Completed – The eFP record that has been released to its scheduled destinations. help. At least one scanner- server platform pair must be registered and tested with SWFT and the Registration Authority. This account must be associated with one or more of the serviced organization’s Org/CAGE Codes. This PSSAR has pre-filled information and prompts to avoid unnecessary PSSAR rejections due to missing information and should be used instead of the PSSAR form under the Access Request section. Click on the “Access, Reg, Test Guide” link in the “Access Request” section of the SWFT PSA informational website. The User Guide is FOUO, and is not available to the general public. Scanning devices that will connect to an already registered and tested server platform system must include in the registration form a reference to the registered scanner and server platform. Other browsers may work as well, but some SWFT features might not perform reliably. NO, your Organization does not have to own or sponsor any scanning devices in order to obtain a SWFT account. files. SWFT requires a minimum of Interim Secret eligibility. For eFPs being uploaded to SWFT, contact your software vendor for additional instructions. This Website is provided as a public service for the Defense Manpower Data Center and the Department of Defense. (Processing is stalled for Test eFPs and eFPs where destinations could not be determined by the Controlling Agency Identifier/Transaction Control Number (CRI/TCN) filters). This website was last checked: 11 hours ago Hit the check button to update this page. Personal service employees, visitors, … The document is available at https://dmdc.mil/swftinfo. A User Guide is available online after logging in to SWFT. Self-Service Consent to Monitor. The registration must prove that the hardware and software components in scanner-server platform system meet the FBI certification guidelines. Yes, another Organization that already has a SWFT account can submit eFPs on your behalf. However, your Organization must verify that the Organization/Third Party Vendor that will generate the eFPs for you had their equipment registered and approved for production with SWFT. YELLOW : System is experiencing functionality issues or partial outage. An Organization record does not expire and does not require a fingerprint scanning device to be registered or associated with it. SWFT eliminates the need for paper-based capture and handling of fingerprints, expedites the background check process by reducing invalid fingerprint submissions, provides end-to-end accountability for sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data, and implements stringent security standards for all electronic transactions. 2/16/2021 11:45:38 PM Organization Administrators must contact the Executive Administrator at the DMDC Contact Center, if they require assistance with their account. WebEnroll is a web-based application that is integrated into the SWFT system and serves for online capture of biographic and biometric data. GREEN : System is fully functional without any issues. Call the DMDC Support Center: (800) 477-8227. Contact Help Desk | Privacy & Security Notice - Please read before accessing any information | This is a U.S. Government Computer System Notice This section has a sample PSSAR for your assistance. The list of FBI certified products is available on the FBI Biometric Specifications (BioSpecs) website under Certifications: https://www.fbibiospecs.cjis.gov/Certifications. Resubmit Button in WebEnroll: Error is displayed when clicking this button. Users of WebEnroll can post-edit certain biographic data and then resend the eFP. WebEnroll collates the subject data into standard eFP files and automatically forwards them to SWFT. Additionally, this PSSAR is sufficient for requesting access to all SWFT functionality. Note: All eFPs need to be a .EFT file to be uploaded to SWFT. Any differences in fields such as Name, SSN, DOB, or Place of Birth (POB) between the submitted eFP and the e-QIP in JPAS can cause delays. Users should update their bookmarks with the new landing pages on October 1, 2020: Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT), DCSA Office of Communications and Congressional Affairs, Center for Development of Security Excellence. The vetting IT systems are: the Defense Information System for Security (DISS); the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission system (SWFT), the Investigative Records Repository (iIRR), and the Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII). The eFP status definitions are listed below: Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. Serviced Organizations should maintain their own SWFT account and monitor the progress of their eFP submissions. 7. Call the DMDC Support Center at 1-800-477-8227. milConnect is hosted by DMDC, not TRICARE. Please update your bookmark to https://scra.dmdc.osd.mil (Follow link above if this page does not redirect automatically in 5 … Corrected: Issues: Additional scanning devices that communicate with the server platform must be registered, but do not have to be tested. Click the “Help” button that is available on each web page. NO, SWFT PSSARs must be submitted directly to your SWFT Site/Organization Administrator. SWFT is a web-enabled system for the collection and transmission of electronic fingerprints for applicants requiring a background investigation for a personnel security clearance. Users verify with the scanner vendor that the latest SDK is downloaded for the livescan device. (The PII data and the eFP file are not retained in SWFT). Additionally, they must have received certificates for PII and Cyber Security training within the previous 12 months. You can also run the “Scanner Registration Status by Hardware Vendor and Serial Number” report if you know the manufacturer and serial number of their scanning device or devices. Current JPAS Status: GREEN Key: GREEN : JPAS is fully functional and is not experiencing any issues.. YELLOW: JPAS is experiencing functionality issues as a partial or reports outage. 2/16/2021 6:53:07 PM Therefore, the only requirement is internet access and a compatible web browser. If you are an Organization Administrator, submit your PSAARs to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Contact Center at: dmdc.contactcenter@mail.mil. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. OPM only accepts Type-4 fingerprint images for electronic submission, which consist of; To obtain additional information regarding NBIB Requirements and submitting eFPs to NBIB, please e-mail: fts@nbib.gov. Please click here to return to the login page. RED : System is down, and users do not have access to the application. RED : JPAS is down and users will not have access to the application. WebEnroll users accessing SWFT, select the “Access Request Form” under the “eFP Enrollment (SWFT+)” section. For eFPs being uploaded through WebEnroll, when you are on the eFP capture screen, select “Amputation” as the option and follow the instructions on the eFP capture screen. Note that any change in your system that could affect the quality or contents of eFP files (for example, software patches or upgrade, hardware replacement, scanner relocation, and so on) requires the equipment to be retested. The Facility Security Officer (FSO) who initiates the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)/e-QIP submission for the Personnel Security Management Office for Industry’s (PSMO-I) approval must select “I” in the Federal Investigations Processing Center (FIPC) field. Please refer to the SWFT Access, Registration and Testing Procedures. The User Guide is For Official Use Only (FOUO), and is not available to the general public. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please call the DMDC Support Center (DSC) at 800-477-8227. Welcome To DMDC.Since 1974, DMDC has evolved into a world leader in Department of Defense identity management, serving uniformed service members and their families across the globe.